13 Jan 5 Yoga Asanas to Increase Your Stamina
The rapidity of today’s life often leaves you exhausted and tired. Isn’t it? With increased responsibilities towards work and home, you are left with less time for your physical and mental health. How often do you feel tired and low on energy during the day? Don’t you think, it is time to change the way you lead your life and redirect your focus to your health. This will ensure that you lead a happy life where you are productive and energetic.
Yoga is a one-stop solution for various physical and mental illnesses. It’s scientifically proven that practice of Yoga asanas helps in improving your physical stamina, flexibility, muscle and core strength. Below are five Yoga poses for stamina building.
Practice of Garudasana or the Eagle Pose works wonders in increasing strength, flexibility, stamina, elasticity of the body. Along with this, it also helps one create awareness and alertness of the self, body and mind. It is an excellent asana to strengthens the muscles, tones the nerves and loosens the joints of your legs. Improves tone flexibility in your thighs. Improves balance of your body.
Method of Practice
Starting Position
- Stand with feet together and hands at the sides.
Step 1
Practice of Wrapping of Legs
- While exhaling, lift your left leg and wrap it around your right knee from the front and take it back from behind the right calf, locking the ankle of your right leg with your left foot.
- Once the balance on one leg is secured, try to straighten your torso.
- Maintain the position for six seconds with suspension of your breath or breathe normally if you cannot hold the breath.
- Inhaling, unwrap your leg and come to the starting position.
- Repeat the same procedure with the opposite legs.
Step 2
Practice of Wrapping Arms
- While exhaling, extend the left arm with the elbow slightly bent. Place the right elbow on the inside of the right elbow. Now push the left arm outwards and leftwards trying to wrap the hands to join the palms of both hands.
- Maintain the pose for six seconds with suspension of breath.
- While inhaling, return to the starting position.
- Repeat the same procedure with the opposite hands.
- Practice this step for some time to gain efficiency before hands and legs can be practiced together.
Final Posture
- Practice both Steps 1 and 2 simultaneously.
- Repeat the same process with the opposite legs and hands.
EKPADASANA – The One Leg Posture
Ekpadasana or The One Leg Posture is one such asana that improves body balance, endurance and alertness. It strengthens the muscles of legs and spine. Practicing this asana will steady your mind and body.
Method of Practice
Starting Position
1.Stand with your feet together and hands by your side
- Using your hands, lift your right leg laterally and press the sole of your feet against the left thigh as you can, the heel preferably close to the groin and toes pointing down. For those who cannot lift their legs go high, avoid placing the foot against the knees but rest the foot, wherever comfortable, against the thigh.
- Balance your body weight on the right leg.
- Once balance is achieved, join both your palms in a prayer pose. Breathe normally.
- Maintain the pose for a few seconds. If your body sways or you tend to lose balance, try to fix your gaze at one point ahead.
- Bring your leg down and repeat the same procedure with the opposite leg.
- Gradually increase the timing of remaining in the posture from a few seconds to one minute with each leg.
Posture Release
1.Release your hands and bring down your leg to stand with your feet together and hands at the sides.
This asana involves formation of a posture using hands, feet and toes. It strengthens your core, legs, arms and back muscles. It also stretches the muscles of the hip joints. It helps in flexibility of the waist and toning of lateral muscles.
Variation 1- Method of Practice
Starting Position
1.Stand with your feet together and hands at the sides. Inhale.
2.Exhaling, kick your right leg in the front as high as possible and grasp the toe with the same hand, keeping the knees straight. In case you cannot hold your toe, bend your knee of the right leg so as to grasp the toe with the right hand and stretch the leg out in front. Try to keep the leg straight but if not possible you may slightly bend the knees.
- Stay in the position for six seconds.
Posture Release
- While inhaling, release the grasp and bring your leg down.
- Repeat with the left leg.
This asana helps in the development of a stronger spine and removes back ache. It opens up your hips stretches deep hip flexors. It also stretches the upper thighs, abdomen, thorax, neck and facial muscles.
Method of Practice
Starting Position
1. Sit on the mat in a kneeling position with your toes and heels together. It is best to keep the knees together but you may keep your knees slightly apart for comfort and balance.
2. Gradually lean backwards, and take your arms behind.
3. Place your palms on the ground, with your fingers pointing backwards and the thumbs towards the toes. Keep your arms outwards and upwards.
4. While inhaling, slowly lift your pelvis, waist and body both outwards and upwards.
5. Genlty allow your neck and head to fall back.
6. Remain in this position for 6 seconds holding your breath.
Posture Release
7. Exhaling, relax your torso and slowly straighten your head and neck.
8. Release your palms and resume the kneeling position.
This is an asana excellent to tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles. It opens the shoulders, neck and hips and increases the flexibility of your hips and spine. It helps in toning the core muscles and improves the health of internal organs.
Method of Practice
Starting Position
1. Sit with both your legs stretched out in front and your hands placed on the respective knees or sides on the floor, maintaining an erect posture.
For twist on the right side
2. Fold your right leg inwards and press your heel against the perineum without allowing your knee to lift up.
3. Take your right leg, bending it at the knee, crossing it across your left thigh and place your right foot near the outside of the left thigh and bring your right knee close to your chest.
4. Bend the left leg at the knee inwards to place your foot close to your right hip.
5. Laterally twisting the torso on the right sided, let your left hand hold your right ankle/toe grasping the foot anywhere comfortably, in such a way that your right knee comes under your left armpit. Inhale.
6. Exhaling, give more twist to your spine and place your right hand across your back with the palm facing outwards.
7. Simultaneously turn your head and neck towards your right shoulder.
8. Suspend the breath for six seconds maintaining the posture.
Posture Release
9. Inhaling, untwist your torso, straighten your head and neck, bring your hands to the starting position, straighten your legs and prepare for practice on the opposite side.
For twist on the left side
Repeat the same steps as mentioned before but change the sides.
Remember, Yoga is a way of life. Include Yoga in your daily routine and practice these asanas on a daily basis. Regular practice will help you to develop your core strength and boost your energy. Additionally, you will feel lighter and rejuvenated. Yoga helps you to lead a balanced life and brings harmony in the body, mind and spirit.
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