Corporate Offerings

It’s a busy-busy world we live in today. Running around the chores from morning to evening, working for long infinite hours, hunched over a computer, skipping meals, phone glued to our ear, and rarely leaving our workspace for a break. Between work deadlines and family lives …it’s hard to hit the equilibrium and come out as a true winner hence it’s time to make some space for “Yoga”- As with Yoga on board, the office board seems balanced. Find a way to reduce stress & tension and become more physically fit.

  • Better Living Program

    A daily 1 hr 15 min session program for 21 days that blends theory and techniques to provide a holistic understanding of yoga.

  • Yoga Asana Classes

    A certified instructor leads the class and the objective of a yoga asana class is to work on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

  • Lifestyle Management

    The wellness talks and programs cover a range of topics from disease management, life-style management and life-stage management.

  • Wellness Yoga Retreats

    Customised outbound retreats for experiencing yogic lifestyle. The wellness sessions can also be incorporated in annual conferences and outbound programs.

  • Personal Counselling

    This program offers the services of trained counsellors for employees who wish to explore their thoughts and feelings in a safe space. The counselling provided is confidential.

  • Nutritional Counselling

    This program offers personalised diet plans and recommendations based on health reports and individual life-style choices.

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