
At The Yoga Institute, Chorão Island Goa, we serve goodness of food cooked with a lot of love and gratitude. We serve Sattvik meals with homegrown organic and pure seasonal fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain pulses, sprouts, seeds, honey, fresh herbs, milk, and dairy products. These foods raise our consciousness levels. An added advantage is it helps to keep weight check and is a very effective way for weight loss.

  • Saatvik Meals

    Our Saatvik Meals are well-rounded so that you receive all that your body needs to grow

  • Local Farmer's Market

    We support Local Farmer's Market, hence all the produce is organic and fresh of the fields

  • Grown On Property

    As part of Karma Yoga, student plant & cultivate fruits & veggies so that the next batch can enjoy it

  • Herbs & Medicinal Patch

    Herbs and Medicinal plants are tasty and effective when hand-picked fresh from our Herb & Medicinal Patch

  • Juice Bar

    Refresh & recharge yourself at our well-stocked Juice Bar that concocts potions that you will enjoy

  • Localized Goan Staff

    The true flavours of a meal can only be bought about by the hands of the soil. A True Goan