26 Mar Is Your Yoga Practice Right For You?
As a newbie or probably even an old practitioner, we sometimes don’t realise what mistakes we are making in an asana. When we learn from unauthorised sources, or practice simply through books and videos, we might end up injuring ourselves or disliking the science of Yoga all together. You end up contemplating with, “Do I even like Yoga?”, “Do I want to continue practicing it?” or “Is my Yoga even right for me?”
Well, having these thoughts are perfectly normal when you haven’t learnt from the right source. It is very important, for any beginner, to get the basics right. We, at The Yoga Institute, strongly believe in laying the foundation right, with only the most experienced and qualified teachers. Doing so will not only keep you from injuries (which are very rare in Yoga) but also keep your love for Yoga very much alive.
Here are a few of the factors that you must keep in mind to determine if your yoga is right for you or not:
- Comfortable
Maharishi Patanjali has clearly mentioned in his Yogasutras that your practice or your asana must give your happiness and stability.
|| Yoga sthira sukham asanam || 2.46
If your yoga is not giving you stability and bliss, then either you are not practicing it correctly or it’s not the right Yoga for you.
- Type of Yoga
We believe in practicing the traditional Hatha Yoga. The one that has been taught and passed down from generation to generation. However, there are a lot of styles and techniques that are now being practiced all across the globe. Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Power Yoga, and what not! Every new season brings with it a new trend of Yoga. Not all of them are made of all of us.
For example, a beginner can find Iyengar or even Power Yoga to be very intimidating or upbeat. We believe that Yoga must give you happiness, and it is not always about sweating more or running with the latest trends. Hatha Yoga is one such type of Yoga, that does the job of improving your overall health and wellness, while also preparing your body at each step.
Hatha Yoga is like one size that fits all. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, this form won’t disappoint you. In fact, it will make you fall in love with your practice.
- Find your purpose
Most of the people turn towards Yoga because of some reason. Most of the time, they already have a purpose in mind. Whether it is for losing weight, getting some peace, or simply learning more about Yoga, there is always a purpose behind every action. Once you find your purpose, try to dig deeper into it. Often our purpose only floats on the surface. A lot of people, after practicing Yoga for a month or two, try to seek more out of it. Their superficial purpose no longer exists, and they seek something more than that. Try practicing Yoga first, and then slowly start exploring what your true purpose is behind learning or practicing Yoga. That would definitely answer your question of, “Is my Yoga right for me?”
- You are able to take away something
Your yoga practice shouldn’t last only for one hour on the mat, or in the class. You should be able to take away something or the other after that one hour. The simple feeling of happiness or joy that you feel while practicing Yoga, should linger around with you even when you get off the mat. Slowly, let this lingering around stay for a little bit longer and take over your day, and lifestyle as well. That’s exactly when you would know that your yoga is definitely right and working for you.
- Practice makes a man perfect
You can’t judge your yoga style, class, or your own personal practice with just a few sessions. You need to consistently show up on your mat, practice religiously for a few days or rather a month, and only then make your decision about it. Don’t judge a technique with just one or two hours. Spend a few hours with a Yoga type and then see how and what you feel about it. There is also so much that you can do by reading and researching about it. To get the real feel of Yoga, you will have to try it, to know it. Don’t practice something just because your friend is doing it. What’s working for them, might not necessarily work out for you. So try a few things on your own, and then decide for yourself.
Just keep these little points in your head, before you try out your next Yoga class. Sooner or later, you, yourself, will be able to answer the question of, “Is my Yoga right for me?” Because no one else can answer that for you. Practice, surrender, and then form an opinion.
Keep practicing, keep evolving.
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